THE sovereign authority under which I submit my life and my own will. This has been so comforting. As my church moves steadily through the book of James and the mirror of God’s Word coupled with the sledge hammer swings from James’ practical approach to the Christian life, I find myself wrecked over and over again by the disparity between the life we are called to and the myriad of shortcomings in my heart and life. In all of this is the comfort that in all these long hard looks at my ugly bits, God has spoken through Jesus, right to me. This is not the end. Right here, in the spaces between each breath, the relentless, unyielding work of God is being done. In me. Heart change is real and it is possible, but not by human hands. Surrender has meant everything to me in this season. And it has been an incredible comfort to know that I have been held by sovereign hands.
It feels like more than emotional. It feels like a stabilizing force and a force of power that can transform my heart into a place of grace and gratitude that I could never enter with an act of my will.
THE sovereign authority under which I submit my life and my own will. This has been so comforting. As my church moves steadily through the book of James and the mirror of God’s Word coupled with the sledge hammer swings from James’ practical approach to the Christian life, I find myself wrecked over and over again by the disparity between the life we are called to and the myriad of shortcomings in my heart and life. In all of this is the comfort that in all these long hard looks at my ugly bits, God has spoken through Jesus, right to me. This is not the end. Right here, in the spaces between each breath, the relentless, unyielding work of God is being done. In me. Heart change is real and it is possible, but not by human hands. Surrender has meant everything to me in this season. And it has been an incredible comfort to know that I have been held by sovereign hands.
Love has been most important to me as it seems to be the foundation and guide for building a deeper intimate relationship with Him
I love this. What does His love "feel" like to you?
It feels like more than emotional. It feels like a stabilizing force and a force of power that can transform my heart into a place of grace and gratitude that I could never enter with an act of my will.