The hardest part I find about prayer is that my prayers sometimes feel "stale", as though I keep talking to God about the same things. Relatedly, I want to praise Him more, but struggle to do so in ways that are not repetitive/saying the same basic things again and again. I would love to learn fresh ways to meditate on God and praise Him. While I don't like admitting this, I also get caught in distractions and to-do lists, which makes focused prayer time difficult. I also have trouble just sitting "with" God, likely because I have trouble quieting my own mind.

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Thanks for the feedback, Jenny. So much of this is what I think Jesus really helps us with through the Lord’s Prayer. I’m also working on a tool in conjunction with these series of articles to help avoid some of the stale ruts we fall into. Out of curiosity, do you pray silently, out loud, or in a journal?

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I have a journal, where I occasionally write letters to God and I pray aloud with my husband before each of our meals, but otherwise, I usually I pray silently. Can't wait to utilize the resources you are developing! Thank you for crafting those! I would love to get out of my stale ruts with prayer.

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