I wanted to drop you a note and let you know that in January I start writing The Lighthouse again! I’m kicking off the new year with a collection of reflections on the brilliance of Jesus in his short teaching we traditionally call, the Lord’s Prayer. My hope is that it will take our prayer lives from black and white to bursting with color.
Want to help? I’d love to hear your biggest challenges when it comes to prayer. There are no wrong answers! Only honest ones. So what’s hard about prayer?
The hardest part I find about prayer is that my prayers sometimes feel "stale", as though I keep talking to God about the same things. Relatedly, I want to praise Him more, but struggle to do so in ways that are not repetitive/saying the same basic things again and again. I would love to learn fresh ways to meditate on God and praise Him. While I don't like admitting this, I also get caught in distractions and to-do lists, which makes focused prayer time difficult. I also have trouble just sitting "with" God, likely because I have trouble quieting my own mind.
Thanks for the feedback, Jenny. So much of this is what I think Jesus really helps us with through the Lord’s Prayer. I’m also working on a tool in conjunction with these series of articles to help avoid some of the stale ruts we fall into. Out of curiosity, do you pray silently, out loud, or in a journal?
I have a journal, where I occasionally write letters to God and I pray aloud with my husband before each of our meals, but otherwise, I usually I pray silently. Can't wait to utilize the resources you are developing! Thank you for crafting those! I would love to get out of my stale ruts with prayer.
The hardest part I find about prayer is that my prayers sometimes feel "stale", as though I keep talking to God about the same things. Relatedly, I want to praise Him more, but struggle to do so in ways that are not repetitive/saying the same basic things again and again. I would love to learn fresh ways to meditate on God and praise Him. While I don't like admitting this, I also get caught in distractions and to-do lists, which makes focused prayer time difficult. I also have trouble just sitting "with" God, likely because I have trouble quieting my own mind.
Thanks for the feedback, Jenny. So much of this is what I think Jesus really helps us with through the Lord’s Prayer. I’m also working on a tool in conjunction with these series of articles to help avoid some of the stale ruts we fall into. Out of curiosity, do you pray silently, out loud, or in a journal?
I have a journal, where I occasionally write letters to God and I pray aloud with my husband before each of our meals, but otherwise, I usually I pray silently. Can't wait to utilize the resources you are developing! Thank you for crafting those! I would love to get out of my stale ruts with prayer.