Your words have given me confirmation in a calling that has been building over time. I am an introvert and elderly person. But my life has given me a special insight into race relations and working with youth. I am beginning to network to mend relationships between the white community and our Black and Brown neighbors. We simply cannot do this work of saving our democracy unless all of us can heal, atone, and move forward together. I am not important in this, but the message is.
Your words have given me confirmation in a calling that has been building over time. I am an introvert and elderly person. But my life has given me a special insight into race relations and working with youth. I am beginning to network to mend relationships between the white community and our Black and Brown neighbors. We simply cannot do this work of saving our democracy unless all of us can heal, atone, and move forward together. I am not important in this, but the message is.
I love this, Susan. And I’m so so so thankful that my words could play even a small part in confirming this important calling!