I think this was one of the most enjoyable articles of yours I've read so far. You're a great communicator and I greatly appreciate your stories, information and insight. Looking forward to experiencing God's voice in my life more profoundly!

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Thank you so much, Camilla. I’m deeply appreciative of your encouragement. Praying these articles are fruitful in your life.

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I love this article and love the illustrations in each section. I'm curious how much your sermon prep affects writing like this. Which comes easier for you? Is it easier to turn articles into sermons or sermons into articles? Or are they completely distinct processes? How do you catalogue your illustrations?

Don't get me wrong, I'm doing reflection on how/what God is speaking to me, but similar to you and the directors I can't help but be fascinated by the process! Thanks for writing.

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Hey TJ,

Great question and thanks for asking (and reading❤️). As for my writing, The Lighthouse is currently distinct from my sermon writing. No overlap. That may not always be the case, but that’s currently how it’s worked. I average roughly 1600 words per article and it takes a couple one hour sessions and record the audio in one (usually imperfect) take.

As for illustrations, I don’t catalogue. I figure them out as I write. Typically I try to say in a sentence what I won’t to illustrate and then I think about how to do that. Sometimes I can come up with it in the moment and often it comes as I’m doing other things.

I’m sure there’s a better way, but this is what works for me. That make sense?

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You're very welcome. That is impressive, and depressing! Haha

As usual it's a combination of an innate gifting and hard work and not just a formula that can be emulated. 1600 words seems so accessible and yet so hard to start and complete a thought. How many words is your average sermon (if you manuscript)?

Thanks for replying. Look forward to many more encouraging reads.

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I’m not manuscripting currently but when I do, I average roughly 3000 words for 35-40 min talk

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