One Christmas Eve service, I had a mystical experience. My husband and I were exhausted and heavy-laden. The chairs at our daughter's church were very closely hooked together, so we left a seat between us when we sat down. During the service I had my eyes closed and I felt Jesus come and sit between us with his arms around us. In my mind I heard Him say, "My yoke is easy and my burden is light." In that moment I felt the weight lighten and I thought, "The yoke is easy because the yoke is Jesus.*
Five minutes of joy. ♥️ I can do that.
One Christmas Eve service, I had a mystical experience. My husband and I were exhausted and heavy-laden. The chairs at our daughter's church were very closely hooked together, so we left a seat between us when we sat down. During the service I had my eyes closed and I felt Jesus come and sit between us with his arms around us. In my mind I heard Him say, "My yoke is easy and my burden is light." In that moment I felt the weight lighten and I thought, "The yoke is easy because the yoke is Jesus.*
Love this and I know that feeling, Joy. Thanks for sharing such a personal experience!